Video communication
with instant analytics
user behavior
Requires no installation, easily accessible through any browser on a variety of devices
от 20 участников
Без ограничений по времени
До 100Гб в хранилище
до 20 лицензий
Аналитика Index5 онлайн
Расширенная аналитика Index5
Запись видеоконференции
Расшифровка речи
Попробовать бесплатно
можно докупать
Демонстрация экрана
Интерактивная доска
Опросы и голосования
Техподдержка 24/7
1 000₽
в месяц
2 000₽
в месяц
до 20 участников
до 40 минут на встречу
Аналитика Index5 онлайн
Демонстрация экрана
Интерактивная доска
до 1500 участников
Опросы и голосования
Без ограничений по времени
Техподдержка 24/7
Бесконечное хранилище
от 100 лицензий
Аналитика Index5 онлайн
Расширенная аналитика Index5
Запись видеоконференции
Расшифровка речи
Демонстрация экрана
Интерактивная доска
Опросы и голосования
Техподдержка 24/7
Корпоративный БИЗНЕС
Корпоративный БИЗНЕС
При оплате сразу 3, 6 или 12 месяцев скидка
При оплате сразу 3, 6 или 12 месяцев скидка
How INDEX 5 works
Using computer vision.
INDEX 5 detects participants' reactions to what happens during an online broadcast and calculates indices:
Analyzing facial expressions
Pupil tracking
Measuring activity
during conversation
Principle of the traffic light
INDEX 5 displays the attention level of each participant, allowing the speaker to immediately determine interest in the content
Yulia Nachalova
Alexei Zakharov
Reduced attentiveness
Moderate attentiveness
Increased attentiveness
Distractedness index
Indicates a decrease in user attentiveness and user distraction
from online activities
Shows user fatigue during an online video conference
Fatigue Index
Emotionality index
Indicates the level of emotional reactions
Attention Index
Indicates the user's level of attention to what is happening on the screen
Involvement index
Shows the user's interest during an online event
Who INDEX 5 is for
For education
Analyze student engagement
during online learning
HR managers
Assess candidate engagement during the interview and train employees without losing focus
For recruiting
For businesses and corporations
Analyze the activity of meeting participants
to make important management decisions
Top managers
For the government
Government employees
Ensure secure and confidential video communication between different agencies
For education
Analyze student engagement
during online learning
For businesses and corporations
Analyze the activity of meeting participants
to make important management decisions
Top managers
For the government
Government employees
Ensure secure and confidential video communication between different agencies
For recruiting
HR managers
Assess candidate engagement during the interview and train employees without losing focus
Saving analytics
Auto-saving charts and records in the cloud increases security, provides anytime accessibility, and recovery in case of loss of local files and recovery when local files are lost
Humanization of data
Understanding needs and psychological characteristics helps to improve communication and achieve more successful outcomes
Increasing the efficiency of the meeting
INDEX 5 allows you to hold virtual meetings, monitor audience behavior and evaluate the effectiveness of the meeting
Security and privacy
Secure channel, encryption, local processing, index anonymization, storage in browsers, legal compliance
INDEX 5 allows you to get feedback from attendees after the meeting to find out positive impressions and aspects that can be improved
Assessing the quality of the meeting
INDEX 5 features
Saving analytics
Auto-saving charts and records in the cloud increases security, provides anytime accessibility, and recovery in case of loss of local files and recovery when local files are lost
Humanization of data
Understanding needs and psychological characteristics helps to improve communication and achieve more successful outcomes
Increasing the efficiency of the meeting
INDEX 5 allows you to hold virtual meetings, monitor audience behavior and evaluate the effectiveness of the meeting
Security and privacy
Secure channel, encryption, local processing, index anonymization, storage in browsers, legal compliance
INDEX 5 allows you to get feedback from attendees after the meeting to find out positive impressions
and aspects that can be improved
Assessing the quality of the meeting
INDEX5 features
Saving analytics
Auto-saving charts and records in the cloud increases security, provides anytime accessibility, and recovery in case of loss of local files and recovery when local files are lost
Humanization of data
Understanding needs and psychological characteristics helps to improve communication and achieve more successful outcomes
Increasing the efficiency of the meeting
INDEX 5 allows you to hold virtual meetings, monitor audience behavior and evaluate the effectiveness of the meeting
Security and privacy
Secure channel, encryption, local processing, index anonymization, storage in browsers, legal compliance
INDEX 5 allows you to get feedback from attendees after the meeting to find out positive impressions and aspects that can be improved
Assessing the quality of the meeting
We are in touch: write to us
or leave a request
+7 983 322-00-43
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All rights reserved.